Anatomy of a Genocide

YCBN 102 - Anatomy of a Genocide”

Human Rights Council Fifty-fifth session
26 February–5 April 2024 Agenda item 7

Human Rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories Anatomy of a Genocide
Distr.: General 25 March 2024
Original: English

Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese

Moment Of Zinn - “Crimes in Palestine (feat. Anna Baltzer)

This Is What Our Ruling Class Has Decided Will Be Normal

YCBN 101 - This Is What Our Ruling Class Has Decided Will Be Normal”

Statement by ANSWER National Director Brian Becker on the Self-Immolation of U.S. Airman Aaron Bushnell - Becker
Memories of Aaron Bushnell - CrimethInc
Burnt Offerings - Baker
You Have Already Taken a Side - Johnstone
In Our Thousands, In Our Millions - Munro
Moment of Zinn - Jesse Jett - “Consider it a Wynn

Part 3: Application instituting proceedings in the name of the Republic of South Africa against the State of Israel . Pursuant to Article 41.

YCBN 098 - Part 3: Application instituting proceedings in the name of the Republic of South Africa against the State of Israel. Pursuant to Article 41.


Part 2: Application instituting proceedings in the name of the Republic of South Africa against the State of Israel . Pursuant to Article 41.

YCBN 097 - Part 2: Application instituting proceedings in the name of the Republic of South Africa against the State of Israel . Pursuant to Article 41.

III. The Facts
... C. Genocidal Acts Committed against the Palestinian People
... D. Expressions of Genocidal Intent against the Palestinian People by Israeli State Officials and Others
... E. Recognition of Israel’s genocidal intent against Palestinians

Part 1: Application instituting proceedings in the name of the Republic of South Africa against the State of Israel . Pursuant to Article 41.

Part 1: Application instituting proceedings in the name of the Republic of South Africa against the State of Israel . Pursuant to Article 41. (pp. 1 - 29)

I. Introduction
II. Jurisdiction of the Court
III. The Facts
. . . A. Introduction
. . . B. Background

The Ongoing Israeli Oppression of Palestine Results in Resistance

YCBN 091 - The Ongoing Israeli Oppression of Palestine Results in Resistance”
Palestine Writes Festival - Rothchild
False Allegations of Antisemitism - Abunimah
Barriers to Movement in Palestine - Van Neely
Settlers Harass Palestinians - IMEMC
Settlers Attack Palestinian Homes - Days of Palestine
Israel Blocks Tour of Palestine Village - Shezaf
Far Right Activists Harass Diplomatic Tour in Palestine - Shezaf
Displacement of Palestinian Herders - OCHA
The Pogroms Are Working to Drive Palestinians off the Land - B’Tsalem
This is a Terrible Day - Matar
Persistent Injustice - PMFA
Moment Of Zinn - “Crimes in Palestine (feat. Anna Baltzer)

YCBN 090 - Honoring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future

YCBN 090 - Honoring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future
Preface and Introduction of the Summary of the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
Moment of Zinn - Cheryl Bear - Residential School Song